
Mother & Daughter

Another wedding attendee! Simple, clean, fresh. That's how I would describe the wedding based on She and her mom's dresses. They wore an off-white dress that is so flowy. Perfect for a beach resort wedding!

Set-up for today!
She always told me she wanted to learn doing a smoky eye. This was a perfect event to do her eyes smoky yet still refined for a wedding. 

Smoky eyes isn't always black. I did a shimmery brown eyes for her and smoking it out by deepening the outer-v with a darker brown shade. 

P.S. I also did her hair which took longer than her make-up! Haha!

As for She's mom, she wanted a light make-up focusing mainly on her lips and eyebrows.

I gave her soft taupish-brown eyes, defined her tattooed brows and a pinkish lips. Tita also wanted her hair up, too bad I forgot to take a photo of her hair.:(

 Mother & daughter all made up. :) Thank you She and Tita!

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